What is IVI (Industrial Value Chain Initiative)?
Industrial Value Chain Initiative is a forum where activities are carried out to design a new society, in which manufacturing and IT are integrated, and to direct the change in the right direction. Participants from manufacturing sites of member companies equally take the initiative based on their own view points.
While advanced and high technologies in elemental fields such as IoT, automation technology, and network technology are about to change the time dramatically, we choose to take the existence of “human” in closeup which we tend to forget. We discuss how manufacturing with humans will change and how it should change in the IoT era.
We will examine again the relationship between people by things and information through IT, and the relationship between people who make and who use, and aime to integrate a system in which values spread to every corner of the world.
Introduction video to IVI
Purpose of the Forum
Distinguishing collaborative area (where there are common ways between companies or there are ways which should be common) and competitive area (where companies compete by taking advantages of their own technologies), organizing and sharing the collaborative area as a reference model, it becomes possible to integrate a system in which unique technologies of companies are interconnected each other.
As a result, manufacturing, in a broad sense, connects across the boundaries of manufacturing sites, across departments and organizations, across companies, countries and cultures, and then the values of all those who participate in them are mutually increased. This is what we aim.
- Various educations and trainings to strengthen manufacturing competitiveness
- Research and support of basic technologies for restructuring of manufacturing operation
- Research on business scenarios which integrates manufacturing and IT
- Development of a reference model for loose standardization
- Proposal of standardization for a platform using IoT
- Mutual support, interaction, communication and other activities for profit sharing among members
- Business incidental or related to the activities listed above
IVI’s activities include the following working groups and projects.
Walking Group
Discuss common areas and summarize as a reference model.
We expand our business by adding unique technologies of member companies.
- June, 2015: Industrial Value Chain Initiative established as a voluntary organization
- June, 2016: Industrial Value Chain Initiative as a general incorporated association