The British Embassy and the University of Cambridge Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (CSTI) Policy Links unit has held Japan-UK manufacturing and innovation policy workshop “Tackling advanced manufacturing innovation challenges and informing industrial strategy ” to IVI participated President Nishioka, IVI activities, was among other things a lecture about the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises on September 21, 2017. In this workshop , a study team led by the UK’s Ministry of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy learns about manufacturing industry’s digitization and IoT initiatives and policies in Japan, and discusses how to build a partnership between Japan and the UK. It was held for the purpose of exchanging information between policymakers and experts when visiting Japan to do so.
IVI President Nishioka explained about business scenario of WG activities and, that approach is aimed at small businesses of the region that have been applied seminars, where introduction is to have 10 thousand yen IoT was described with such kit. Participants received many questions and comments, including practical questions such as the impact on the participating companies / regions of the regional seminar, funding for activities, and policies regarding the handling of corporate data within the activities.
The team also visited the Hitachi Open Lab Yokohama Open Automation Lab with an IVI board of directors, receiving explanations of advanced co-creation examples related to automation and observing advanced technologies.
Articles published on the Cambridge University Policy Links website