Manufacturing Information Technology Standardization Reference architecture
IVI designs a new society in which manufacturing and IT are fused, re-questions the relationship between people through things and information, and the relationship between creators and users, and better value is in every corner of the world. We aim to create a system that is widespread.
About US
IVI (Industrial Value Chain Initiative)
The Industrial Value Chain Initiative is an activity to design a new society that integrates manufacturing and IT, and to move it in the right direction. , A forum for equal initiative.
While advanced and cutting-edge elemental technologies such as IoT, automation technology, and network technology are about to change the times, people have taken the lead in focusing on the existence of “people” that are often forgotten. We will discuss how manufacturing will change and should change in the IoT era.
Through IT, we will re-question the relationship between people through things and information, and the relationship between creators and users, aiming for a mechanism in which value pervades every corner of the world.
Creating an ecosystem for "connecting manufacturing" through a bottom-up approach
Valuing manufacturing knowledge and know-how through a mechanism for sharing loose standards
Contribution to rule-making for cooperation and competition in a balance between open and closed


(日本語) ー開催終了(アーカイブ資料公開中)ー【10月13日開催】IVI公開シンポジウム2022-Autumn-のご案内
Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

Information on IVI Open Symposium 2022-Spring-
IVI Open Symposium 2022 -Spring- – New challenge for CN in Connected Manufacturing – In the midst

– Applications, now closed – [For members] Workshop on Implementing Connected Factory Applications with IVI Block Components will be held
IVI will hold a members-only event, “Workshop on Implementing Connected Factory Applications with IVI Bl
Latest news

IVI ニュースレター シンポジウム直前号① [ No.49 2024/10/4 発行 ]

IVIの会員サイトは以下の通りサーバーのメンテナンスを実施いたします。 メンテナンス作業中においては、サイトの閲覧及び操作を一時休止いたしますので、何卒ご理解とご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 IVI会員サイトの

(日本語) ー開催終了(アーカイブ資料公開中)ー【10月13日開催】IVI公開シンポジウム2022-Autumn-のご案内
Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

IVI President Nishioka Presents CIOF to the World
IVI President Nishioka introduced the structure and use cases of CIOF (Connected Industries Open Framework) at

[MMIT business] Meister of Manufacturing Information Technology certification test will be held
IVI will be holding a certification test on March 12. Based on the Corona disaster, the test will be held in o

Information on IVI Open Symposium 2022-Spring-
IVI Open Symposium 2022 -Spring- – New challenge for CN in Connected Manufacturing – In the midst