(日本語) 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)の事業を受託しました
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(日本語) Japan-Netherlands Robotics Workshopに参加(オランダ大使館主催)
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The Industrial Internet Consortium ® (IIC™), the world’s leading organization transforming business and societ
IIC & IVI sharing use case information(IIC, IVI members only)
On April 26, 2017, Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and Industrial IoT (IIoT) have signed a memoran

(日本語) バルセロナ IoTSWC 2017 のイベントパートナーになりました
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The Industrial Value Chain Initiative Signs MoU with the Industrial Internet Consortium
The Industrial Value Chain Initiative (IVI), a forum of smart manufacturing for connected industries based in

Participation in the conference “Digitising Manufacturing in the G20 – Initiatives, Best Practices and Policy Approaches”
On March 16th and 17th, IVI participated in the G20 conference in Berlin which was hosted by the German Federa

(日本語) 2017年度IVI地域セミナー全国10拠点の実施機関を公募します。
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(日本語) スマートマニュファクチャリングのリファレンス・アーキテクチャー(IVRA)を構築し公開しました。
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(日本語) IVI“プラットフォーム”に関するアンケート調査レポート販売開始!
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Meeting with His Excellency Mr. Joachim Gauck, President of the Federal Republic of Germany
As a part of the visit of His Excellency Mr. Joachim Gauck to Japan in November 2016, a meeting with German an

Presentation at a Symposium by TU9 of Germany and DWIH Tokyo
Prof. Dr. Nishioka, President of the IVI, was invited as a keynote speaker for a symposium on Industrie 4.0 he

Visit of Ms. Anette Kramme, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Germany
On October 25, 2016, Ms. Kramme and Prof. Nishioka, President of the IVI, had a meeting in Hosei University in

(日本語) IVI理事長がプラットフォーム・インダストリー4.0を訪問しました
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