(日本語) IVI公開シンポジウム2020-Autumn- 講演資料掲載のお知らせ
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(日本語) 【開催中止のお知らせ】 令和2年度 『製造業ITマイスター指導者育成プログラム(MMIT)』中止のお知らせ
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(日本語) IVIつながるものづくりアワード2020決定!
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IVI Open Symposium 2020 -Spring-, Panels of Advanced Study Group (ASG) available on the web (First published in Japanese in April, 2020)
The panels of Advanced Study Group (ASG), which were planned to be exhibited at IVI Open Symposium 2020 -Spr
IVI Open Symposium 2020 -Spring-, Materials of the Symposium available on the web (First published in Japanese in March, 2020)
IVI Open Symposium 2020 -Spring- -Basic Model of Manufacturing which turns data into value- IVI Open Sympos
“Training Program, postponed” IT Meister Leader Development Program for manufacturing (First Published in Japanese in February, 2020)
Though we had been preparing for IT Meister Leader Development Program for manufacturing, starting from May
IVI Newsletter No.31 (March 2, 2020)
We should inform you about the spring symposium here, Open Symposium 2020 -Spring-. However, the symposium w
IVI Newsletter No.30 (December 17, 2019)
The first new year in Reiwa (令和) is coming soon. Thank you for your discussions at IVI and your supports thi
Presentation documents of IVI Open Symposium 2019 -Autumn- have been uploaded (First Published in Japanese in October, 2019)
Presentation documents of IVI Open Symposium 2019 -Autumn- have been uploaded on the IVI site. The symposiu
IVI Newsletter No.29 (October 1, 2019)
The registration for the IVI annual symposium -Autumn – is accepted currently. The symposium will be held a
(日本語) IVI公開シンポジウム2020-Spring- 先進研究分科会(ASG)のパネル公開のお知らせ
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(日本語) IVI公開シンポジウム 2020 -Spring- 講演資料掲載のお知らせ
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(日本語) 【開催延期のお知らせ】製造業ITマイスター指導者育成プログラム(MMIT) 令和2年度受講生募集のお知らせ
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(日本語) 【イベント中止のお知らせ】IVI公開シンポジウム 2020 -Spring-を開催します
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