▼How to Join

The procedure for joining IVI depends on your membership type. For details on membership types, please see “Membership Types.

For Regular Members

Companies or organizations engaged in manufacturing can apply for regular members. Regular members can recommend supporting members according to the number of membership units.

  • Step 1
    Fill out the membership application form and fax it to the secretariat.
  • Step 2: Confirmation of application
    The secretariat confirms the contents of the application and notifies the receipt of the application (completion of application).
  • Step 3
    The secretariat will send an invoice for the membership fee to the applicant.
  • Step 4
    To transfer the membership fee to the designated account (membership  registration completed)

For Support Members

An applicant who wishes to apply for membership of a support member must be recommended by a regular member in advance.

  • Step 1
    Fill out the membership application form and fax it to the secretariat.
  • Step 2
    The secretariat confirms the contents of the application and refers the contents to the regular member who made the recommendation.
  • Step 3
    Confirm the reply to the confirmation, and notify the applicant of the receipt (completion of application).
  • Step 4
    The secretariat will send an invoice for the membership fee to the applicant.
  • Step 5
    Transfer the membership fee to the designated account (membership registration completed)

For Academic Members

  • Step 1
    Nomination of an Academic Member by a Director or Board of Organizers
  • Step 2
    To approve the candidate for academic membership by Board of Organizers
  • Step 3
    Notification of a commission letter to the candidate for an academic member (completion of membership acceptance)
  • Step 4
    Fill out the commission letter and send it to the secretariat (membership registration completed)

For Individual Members

  • Step 1
    Fill out the membership application form and fax it to the secretariat.
  • Step 2
    The secretariat confirms the contents of the application and notifies the receipt of the application (completion of admission).
  • Step 3
    The secretariat will send an invoice for the membership fee to the applicant.
  • Step 4
    To transfer the membership fee to the designated account (membership registration completed)

For Supporting Members

  • Step 1
    Fill out the membership application form and fax it to the secretariat.
  • Step 2: Confirmation of application
    The secretariat confirms the contents of the application and notifies the receipt of the application (completion of application).
  • Step 3
    The secretariat will send an invoice for the membership fee to the applicant.
  • Step 4
    To transfer the membership fee to the designated account (membership registration completed)

For Implementation Members

  • Step 1
    Fill out the membership application form and fax it to the secretariat.
  • Step 2: Confirmation of application
    The secretariat confirms the contents of the application and notifies the receipt of application.  (completion of application).
  • Step 3
    The secretariat will send an invoice for the membership fee to the applicant.
  • Step 4
    To transfer the membership fee to the designated account (membership registration completed)

Download Membership Application Form

For Regular MembersDownload (MS-WORD version)
For Support MembersDownload (MS-WORD version)
For Individual MembersDownload (MS-WORD version)
For Supporting MembersDownload (MS-WORD version)
For Implementation MembersDownload (MS-WORD version)
For addition of number of membership unitsDownload (MS-WORD version)


▼Advantages (available services)

Merits of Membership

As a member, you can participate in various events and activities of the organization.

Main merits
– You can participate in various activities as a member (see below).
– Free distribution of the annual collection of Business Scenario Case Studies (list price: 10,3000 yen)
– Priority application to IVI’s two annual symposiums. If the symposium requires a fee, you can attend the symposium free of charge depending on the number of membership units.
– You can participate in member-only seminars (held irregularly). In the past, we have co-hosted Case Study Sharing Seminars with Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) that has signed MoU with us.
– We are engaged in various activities to promote IoT and DX and you can gather various information by participating as a member.

Main Activities of IVI
(Eligibility and maximum number of participants vary depending on membership type and number of membership units. Contact us if you have any questions.)

Business Scenario WG: Business Scenario WG has the largest number of members in IVI activities, with 100~200 members participating every year. Each group of Business Scenario WGs has members from different companies, the number of which is 10 to 15 people, conducts a demonstration experiment on a business scenario and a solution to their respective theme. Themes are set through bottom-up discussions that start from problems common to all members, and activities from finding and analyzing problems to conducting demonstration experiments are conducted in one year cycle. There are more than one hundred use cases in Business Scenario WGs, and we are accumulating information that will be useful in solving the problems companies have.
Click here for an introduction to Business Scenario WGs

ASG: Advanced Study Groups (ASG), which have started its activities in 2018, spends from one to three years discussing and researching seeds or advanced themes that can be used to solve a problem. Some group of ASG has a study session with external lecturers. The results of their activities are published as white papers to both of the inside and outside of IVI.
Click here for an introduction to ASG

Symposiums (held twice a year)
In addition to presentations of IVI activities, the symposiums also include presentations by invited speakers on current trends and receptions for networking of the members, which have been attended for all the symposiums by more than 5,000 people.

▼ Current members

Alphabetical order (as of January 31, 2019)

Regular MemberRegular Members (SMEs)
Support Members (large companies)Support Members (SMEs)
Supporting Member 
Academic Member 
Implementation Member 

Regular member

Regular member (small and medium-sizedcompanies)

Support member (large companies)

Support member (small and medium-sized companies)

Supporting member

Academic member

  • Kenichi Igarashi
  • Kazuo Iwano
  • Yukihiko Okada (University of Tsukuba)
  • Koichi Ogawa (University of Tokyo)
  • Kurando Ogi
  • Hiroshi Obata (Hitotsubashi University)
  • Toshiya Kaibara (Kobe University)
  • Satoshi Kuriyama
  • Noboru Koshizuka (University of Tokyo)
  • Hiroyuki Sawada (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
  • Keiichi Shirase (Kobe University)
  • Hideo Setoya (Tohoku University)
  • Kan Nakano (Keio University)
  • Kiyoshi Nishioka (University of Tokyo)
  • Yasuyuki Nishioka (Hosei University)
  • Hidekazu Nishimura (Keio University Graduate School)
  • Hironori Hibino (Tokyo University of Science)
  • Takao Hirosawa
  • Chikako Takanashi (Graduate School of Ritsumeikan University)
  • Yun Taesung (Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST))
  • Axel H. SALECK
  • Martin POHL

Implementation member

  • Cathay Tritech                * Component small scale
  • T.System Co., Ltd.  * Component Small scale
  • KOSKA                                     * Component small scale
  • Nippon Kistler  * Component small scale
  • B-EN-G             * Platform Small scale
  • Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd. * Large-scale component