IVI ニュースレター シンポジウム直前号① [ No.49 2024/10/4 発行 ]

IVIの会員サイトは以下の通りサーバーのメンテナンスを実施いたします。 メンテナンス作業中においては、サイトの閲覧及び操作を一時休止いたしますので、何卒ご理解とご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 IVI会員サイトの

(日本語) ー開催終了(アーカイブ資料公開中)ー【10月13日開催】IVI公開シンポジウム2022-Autumn-のご案内
Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

IVI President Nishioka Presents CIOF to the World
IVI President Nishioka introduced the structure and use cases of CIOF (Connected Industries Open Framework) at

[MMIT business] Meister of Manufacturing Information Technology certification test will be held
IVI will be holding a certification test on March 12. Based on the Corona disaster, the test will be held in o

Information on IVI Open Symposium 2022-Spring-
IVI Open Symposium 2022 -Spring- – New challenge for CN in Connected Manufacturing – In the midst

– Applications, now closed – [For members] Workshop on Implementing Connected Factory Applications with IVI Block Components will be held
IVI will hold a members-only event, “Workshop on Implementing Connected Factory Applications with IVI Bl

[Up to about 80% discount] To celebrate the publication of Professor Nishioka’s book, IVI books will be sold at special prices.
“Smart Thinking for Factory Transformation “ written by Yasuyuki Nishioka, IVI President, was publ

“Smart Thinking for Factory Transformation” written by professor Nishioka, was published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
“Smart Thinking for Factory Transformation” written by professor Nishioka, IVI president, was publ

-Conference was held- [For people involved with IVI] IVI Winter Conference 2021 will be held on December 9th
IVI will hold “IVI Winter Conference 2021” for its related people on December 9th (Thursday). This

[Published in Media] An interview with President Nishioka and activities for Business Scenario were published in the November issue of Nikkei Monozukuri
The November issue of Nikkei Monozukuri 2021, published on November 1, features an interview with President Ya

IVI Matching Seminar was held!
IVI held Matching Seminar 2021 for its members on October 14th. 9 companies presented their component solution

IVI and Edgecross Consortium Sign a Comprehensive Agreement
Industrial Value Chain Initiative (IVI, President: Yasuyuki Nishioka, Professor, Hosei University) and Edgecro

Our latest white paper is now available!
The white paper of the “Advanced Study Group on Right Robots for Requirements ” was released today

Newsletter No.36
Have you registered for the annual Open Symposium -Autumn-? This year’s meeting will be held online on O

[For Participating Organizations] Applications for IVI Practical Seminar 2021 are now accepted
We are pleased to announce that we are now officially accepting applications for IVI Practical (Regional) Semi

Our latest white paper is now available!
The white paper of AI Deep Learning Application Research Subcommittee was released today as Vol. 08 of the whi

[Documents now available] IVI Open Symposium 2021 -Autumn-, Information on the event
IVI Open Symposium 2021 -Autumn- – Until we truly understand what “the new normal” means for

IVI and TPA (Technology Promotion Association, Thailand-Japan) sign comprehensive agreement
Industrial Value Chain Initiative (IVI President, Yasuyuki Nishioka, Professor, Hosei University) and Technolo

Notice of Media Coverage (Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, etc.)
We would like to inform you of our media coverage. (1) Interview with IVI President Nishioka Nikkan Kogyo Shim